If you’re looking for ways to freshen up your home decor without a total redecoration or spending a fortune, here are 5 ways you can revamp your home right now with minimum disruption, time, effort and cost!
Home made art is a popular trend and with sites like Canva, you can knock up your own artwork design in any size or format to print out at home or have sent to your door. Canva is super easy to use and will allow you to create a masterpiece that is unique to you and your home.
Bring the outside in! One way to really freshen up any room is house plants. Houseplants don’t just look pretty, they have amny other benefits such as cleaning the air inside your home by absorbing toxins and producing oxygene, they can boost your mood, concentration and creatrivity and even reduce stress and fatigue! What more reason would you want to fill your home with lovely plants.
Create a feature wall with a mural. It’s as easy as wallpapering these days to create a beautiful feature mural wall in your home, you don’t have to be an artist or even hire one – just look for mural wallpaper on the internet and you will find a host of beautiful wallpaper-style murals that you can out up in a flash. from japanese zen gardens to mountain ranges and forrests, you can transfor the look of any room with a mural.
Let there be light… changing the lighting in a room can totally change the look and feel of the space. whether you want to bring in more light to brighten a room up or give it a cosy and relaxed atmosphere with dimmer lights, you dont have to spend a fortune to change your lighting. This example show how a scaffolding pipe and miss matched fixtures and shades can give an expensive, modern look to a room. This look is perfect for over a dining table or kitchen island.